Combating Hair Loss With Hair Transplantation

Thanks to all who has given us feedback on what type of healthy and beauty information you like to get from this site. The most commonly requested topic is related to hair loss and hair transplantation. So we are going to cover this topic in this post.

As we all know, hair loss is becoming a growing problem these days and is a matter of great concern for many. Irrespective of their sex, men and women who suffer from hair loss remain worried and are depressed and lose self-confidence and find it difficult to concentrate on their work causing their social and professional lives get severely disrupted.

More young people, who are yet to reach their 30s, also suffer from this baldness problem these days.

For any man or woman who is dealing with hair loss, hair transplant surgery can be the answer to gaining back that self confidence. A hair plug or hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which a surgeon moves hair from the back or side of your head (donor site) to the bald area (recipient site).

Hair Transplant is becoming more popular due to the fact that it is well adopted by many celebrities and TV stars. The hair transplant technology has also been greatly enhanced and the results are visible and natural. More and more people are receiving a hair transplant tom improve their appearance and accepted it as a way to combat hair loss and regain their self-esteem and self-confidence.

However, not everyone is a good candidate for a hair transplant procedure as some conditions must be met to get the visible lasting results of this surgery.

Conditions that make you a good candidate for transplant surgery:

  • Men or women with male or female-pattern baldness
  • Women with thinning hair
  • Anyone who has lost some hair from a burn or scalp injury
  • Anyone  who has less contrast between hair and scalp color
  • If you have lighter hair color as fewer transplants will be required to achieve a good coverage


candidate for hair transplant-male pattern baldness image

male pattern baldness-a good candidate for hair transplant

Conditions that do not make you a good candidate for hair transplant:

  • You are suffering from a diffused and un-patterned alopecia or a wide-spread pattern of hair loss throughout the scalp
  • You do not have enough or unhealthy “donor” hair sites from which to extract hair for the transplant. It will be a waste of your time and money if you carry on with a  hair transplant.
  • You are one who easily develops thick, fibrous, or keloid scars after an injury or surgery
  • Your hair loss condition is mainly due to chemotherapy
  • You have a very tight scalp, a hair transplant may not be suitable for you as it is harder for the surgeons to insert new follicles.
  • You do not have adequate funds to carry on with additional surgical procedures over time.  To achieve the result, it will usually take several surgeries so it is important that you have sufficient financial funds to see the whole process through. Otherwise, you may end up looking worse off than before you even started.

Due to the above factors, it is important for you to do thorough research before proceeding with a surgical hair transplant.  Most hair transplant clinics offer a free consultation so do take the opportunity to make an appointment and ask the hair doctor questions pertaining to hair transplant procedure and ask him or her to if you are a good candidate for the surgery.

Find out from the hair transplant doctor how many transplant sessions you will likely require to get the result you wanted so that you could estimate the total cost required and consider if you have enough money to carry on with the whole process.

Recommended articles for your further reading:

You may also check out this useful website for more information related to hair transplant surgery : visit

What To Eat For Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails

Super-food To Improve OUR Skin, Hair and Nail Health

Thick & silky hair, glowing & radiant skin, strong & beautiful nails are what most of us would like to possess. This can be achieved from our diet as food contains the necessary nutrients for our overall wellness and beauty.

Although there is no magic pill or food that can make us look young forever, however, some foods do contain more nutritional properties that support their growth and overall health than others do.

Our daily diet and lifestyle do impact how our skin, nail, and hair look as we ages. Rather than spending thousands on invasive cosmetic surgeries, try including these foods to provide amazing nails, hair, and skin quickly.


Protein. Get your skin-boosting protein by consuming chicken, meat, fish, eggs, dairy foods, and legumes.

Iron. Hair, nails, and skin can suffer if we are lacking in iron. The skin may become pale, itchy, or even be cracking at the side of our mouth.  Our nails can become brittle or even become spoon-shaped. You will also notice your hair turning dry, brittle, and dull and may even shed some hair due to a lack of iron. Meat is the best source of iron and the redder the meat, the more iron it contains. Besides meat, you can also obtain iron from legumes and whole grains but you will need to add Vitamin C to enhance absorption.

Beans. Legumes such as kidney beans and lentils are full of biotin, iron, zinc, and protein. Lack of biotin will lead to brittle hair. This can be remedied by consuming beans, peanuts, and raw egg yolks. Biotin helps our hair to grow faster and healthier. Increasing our consumption of biotin has also been shown to improve our nail health by strengthening nail tissue and preventing nail breakage.

Vitamin C is essential to make collagen. And collagen is the fibrous tissue that plumps up our skin, giving it support and shape. As skin ages, it loses collagen. Kiwifruits, oranges, lemons, and grapefruit contain high vitamin C and are antioxidant-rich. They are our natural beauty therapy at its best.



Nuts are little nutrition nuggets – packed with essential fats, vitamin E, and B vitamins and keep your hair and nails in great shape. Brazil nuts are one of the best sources of selenium, a mineral responsible for improving overall scalp health. Walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid that improves the overall condition of your hair. Almonds are rich in Vitamin E, a natural antioxidant that supports collagen production and provides anti-inflammatory benefits for the body. Almonds are also rich in amino acids that are needed to support collagen growth and strengthen the body.

Leafy greens. Green foods like broccoli, watercress, kale, and spinach provide us with Vitamins A, C, E, K, B, and iron. They also contain minerals calcium, magnesium, and potassium which are essential to the health of our hair, skin, and nails.  Leafy greens are also water-rich so they hydrate our body and they provide an alkaline environment to help us clear out toxins in the body.

Salmon. Eating some fish each week, especially oily fish such as salmon, sardines, and tuna. These fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids and these are needed to support scalp health and healthy skin. B-12 and iron are also found in salmon, which further aid in the development of a glossier shine.

Pumpkin seeds. They are rich in protein, iron, magnesium, potassium, biotin, and omega 3 fatty acids. Pumpkin seeds are some of the most potent, alkaline, nutritious seeds you can eat. Besides improvement in your hair, nails, and skin, pumpkin seeds also bring improvement to your overall mood and energy.



We truly are what we eat and we can eat our way to both good health and to natural beauty. So fill your diet with the above superfood and your body will certainly appreciate your effort and reward you with a shiner, stronger and better skin, hair, and nails.

Picture of Healthy Hair and Skin

Healthy Hair & Skin image